About me


Portland, OR

ENFJ, 3w4

Blues Singer

Fun times:
Coffee with friends, hiking with my husband, knitting, Indian food, church talk, good trouble

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, the Gospel of Luke, Song of Solomon, Four Quartets

Worship & Prayer:
Some’s good, more’s better, and too much is just about enough, but it’s not for everyone

Worst Job:
Sports bar waitress

Best Job:
This one

Ring the bells that still can ring/Forget your perfect offering/There is a crack in everything/
That’s how the light gets in
— Leonard Cohen
Life is short. We don’t have much time to gladden the hearts of those who walk this way with us. So, be swift to love and make haste to be kind.
— Henri-Frédéric Amiel